Wednesday, February 24, 2010

De Tres escalones en la escalera de la escritura, de Helene Cixous/From Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing by HC

This is what writing is: I
one language, I another language, and between the two, the line that makes them vibrate; writing forms a passageway between two shores/ Esto es lo que es la escritura: I
una lengua, I otra lengua, y entre las dos, la línea que las hace vibrar; escribir forma un pasaje entre dos orillas.


  1. Dear Judith,
    I came across your name from the translation of book authored by Romulo Lander. I could not find your e-mail address so I posted this comment. Would you please send me e-mail. I need some one to translate a psychoanalytical book from French into English. Thank you

  2. Hola Judith,
    mi nombre es Fabián, y necesito contactarme con vos para hacerte una consulta sobre un libro de tu autoría.
